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Proquest/US Newsstream provides access to local, regional, and national newspapers (1980-current). Includes The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Boston Globe, The Christian Science Monitor, The New York Times, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post.

Inside the Library: click here.

Outside the Library: click here.

With a wealth of content and a dynamic design that facilitates STEM research and learning, the award-winning Science Online offers a comprehensive overview of a broad range of scientific disciplines.

Inside the Library: click here.

Outside the Library: click here.

Science Reference Center is a full-text database that covers earth science, life science, technology, health and other popular topics discussed by today's science researchers.

Inside the Library: click here.

Outside the Library: click here.

Access to biographical profiles of authors and illustrators for children and young adults. Typically covers: personal life, career, writings, works in progress, adaptations, and additional sources.

Inside the Library: click here.

Outside the Library: click here.