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Science Online Logo

With a wealth of content and a dynamic design that facilitates STEM research and learning, the award-winning Science Online offers a comprehensive overview of a broad range of scientific disciplines.

Inside the Library: click here.

Outside the Library: click here.

Science Reference Source

Science Reference Center is a full-text database that covers earth science, life science, technology, health and other popular topics discussed by today's science researchers.

Inside the Library: click here.

Outside the Library: click here.

Something About the Author

Something About the Author Online provides comprehensive online access to all volumes ever printed in Gale's long-standing Something About the Author series, which examines the lives and works of authors and illustrators for children and young adults and is the preeminent source on authors and literature for young people.

Inside the Library: click here.

Outside the Library: click here.

Suffolk's Historical Newspapers

Access to local newspapers covering nearly 100 years of Suffolk County, NY history. Including obituaries.