Longwood Public Library strives to make our resources accessible to all users through a variety of services, collections, and specialized equipment.
The library building was designed to be fully accessible. The main entrance features automatic doors for easy entry. The elevator is available to bring users to the second floor. Restrooms are accessible, and the main level restrooms opposite the circulation desk feature automatic door openers. Assistive listening devices are available in the library’s meeting rooms. Patrons who need sign language interpretation service for any of the library’s programs should request it as soon as possible upon registering for the program.
Suffolk County residents who have difficulty reading standard print materials are eligible for free talking books and braille books through the New York Public Library’s Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library. In addition, Longwood Public Library holds a number of collections that may assist patrons with disabilities, including books on CD and downloadable audiobooks, eBooks, DVDs with subtitles and closed-captioning capabilities, language learning materials, and large print collections.
The library has four public-access computers equipped with Zoomtext software and large-key keyboards, two in the Adult Department, one in the Teen Department, and one in the Children’s Department. In addition, a laptop on a rolling cart is available for public use on the main level of the library for adult patrons who find themselves unable to walk to the Adult Department. For more information, please speak to a librarian at the Information Desk, Children’s Reference Desk, Teen Reference Desk or Adult Reference Desk during your visit.
The library’s website features ReachDeck software, which provides screen reading in many languages. Click the ReachDeck graphic at the top of any screen to read screens aloud or to translate into another language.
If you have questions about accessibility at the library or using the library's services, please contact a librarian at the Information Desk, Children's Reference Desk, Teen Reference Desk or Adult Reference Desk.