Checked out items now auto-renew so you don’t have to worry about missing due dates! Your library items with loan periods greater than 3 days will be renewed automatically as long as there are no other holds on them, or you have not exceeded the maximum renewals. An email will let you know what has been renewed and what is not eligible. Library cardholders may review due dates online when they login to their library account.
Cardholders may also pay overdue fines and fees greater than $1.00 online through their account. Payment is made via a secure connection using any Visa or MasterCard credit or debit card.
If you have questions about fines or items checked out on your account, please contact the Circulation Desk at (631) 924-6400, x221. If you need technical assistance managing your account, please contact the Adult Reference Desk at (631) 924-6400, x250.